Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, June 14, 2010


So, Grif has this thing about band-aids. He's gotta have them- on cuts, scrapes, rubs, scabs, anything that even remotely looks like it might be a boo-boo. So, I've fed his 'need' just to keep him happy. At first I tried to fight it but then I figured it was part of the small stuff I'm not supposed to sweat. Really, who cares if he has a band-aid or two on. the whole scheme of things it's really not a big deal.

Now we're nearly 3 years down the road and now that he understands more, we have a new rule. The rule is "No blood, no band-aid". A basic scrape just doesn't cut it anymore and he's pretty much OK with it.

Here's the funny part. My husband cut his finger with a very sharp knife this weekend. While we were in the pool his band-aid came off and he needed another to keep the cut clean even if it was no longer bleeding. He asked Grif to get him a band-aid. Grif walked over to him, looked at his cut which was clearly not bleeding, and stated quite matter-of-factly, "OK, but this is the last one". (this is exactly what I tell him when he wants another band-aid on his 5 day old scrape that's nearly totally healed) OK, it was hilarious, maybe you had to be there.

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