Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 4, 2010


Stupendous! G-man said my throw was stupendous! (I tossed a hand towel to my husband) It's amazing to hear the new words coming out of his mouth. I think he must be watching "Martha Speaks" more often than I thought!

Speaking of "Martha", G-man asked me the other day what happened to our food when we ate it. He asked if it went up into our brains. I cleared that up quickly explaining where food really goes. He thought since the alphabet soup floated up into Martha's brain enabling her to talk that it might do the same for us. No matter that Martha is a cartoon dog!

Today was picture day at school. I made G-man promise me that he would actually smile today. Last year he frowned for pictures and I ended up not even buying the pics. This year it's a whole new ball game. We have to pay up front so I'm hoping they're good pics. Time will tell...

You know, I mean to post here way more often than I really do. I write these blogs in my head but I'm never near a computer. I supposed the answer is to make notes and then I won't forget the best stuff - the really funny stuff that G-man says.

I've got that itch not THAT one! I need to do something creative! If I don't do something every so often I get edgy, unsettled, out of sorts. I pulled out my yarn and crochet hook so I'll see what comes of it. I've been taking pictures more lately too. I really would like a new digital camera - one of those SLR type cameras with interchangable lenses. Love the close-ups. Saw some photographs posted at Mott yesterday when I went up to take my test. Some were stunning, some not so much. It's such a fascinating medium. I've been hooked for over 30 years. Wow, that's a long time...

OK, it's time to turn in. My body is tired and 5:30am will be here way too quickly!